- Tus nais tau mus yos hav zoov ntsuab granite yog qhov tsis tshua muaj txiaj ntsig thiab ua tau zoo nkauj zeb. Nws cov nplaim, uas zoo li ib tug miv lub qhov muag hauv kev ntxhib los mos thiab ci, yog dab tsi muab nws lub npe. Hunter green marble has a highly distinctive visual impression since it can be light green to dark green in hue and occasionally has white, gray, or gold veins. Nws cov tsos zoo nkauj thiab zoo nkauj tau raug ntaus nqi mus rau nws Hawj, uas yog feem ntau muaj los ntawm cov kab txaij lossis pob ntawm ntau lub zas.
Polished Taj Mahal Champagne Quartzite Slab For Chav Countertops
Taj mahal quartzite is predominantly light gray and off-white, with occasional light green and creamy yellow gradient tones, reminiscent of a lake draped in morning mist. Nws cov nplaim taws yog qhov siab heev, thiab polishing ua lub iav pom zoo. Nws muaj qhov sov sov thiab huv heev xav rau nws, nrog rau kev nyuaj (mohs hardness (Mohs hardness ntawm ntxhib 3-4), ua rau nws zoo meej rau precision carving. -
Ntuj POB ZEB PURPLE ROSSO Luana Marble Slab Rau Chav Ua Noj Countertops
Rosso Luana Marble yog pob zeb loj uas yog qhov txawv los ntawm nws cov xim ntsuab zoo nkauj multicolor marble. Nws muaj kev ntxhib los mos zoo li dej ntws, toj siab, thiab vuag. People enjoy a distinctive visual experience that is full of oriental charm due to the majestic purple-red tones that resemble the trend of mountains and rivers. -
Backlit Crystal Cristalallo Dawb Quartzite rau Countertops thiab Lub Phab Ntsa
Dawb Cristalallo Quartzite yog lub ntuj ntuj pob zeb uas tau siv dav hauv kev tsim qauv sab hauv thiab sab nrauv. Nws yog hom quartzite, uas yog metamorphic pob zeb tsim los ntawm cov xuab zeb los ntawm cov cua sov thiab siab.
Cristallo Dawb Quartzite yog paub rau nws cov yeeb yaj kiab zoo nkauj thiab kub xim, nrog cov qauv zoo nkauj thiab cov leeg khi thoob plaws lub pob zeb. Cov qauv tshwj xeeb no ua txhua slab ntawm Cristalo Dawb quartzite ib-ntawm-ib-hom-hom, ntxiv ib qho kov ntawm elegance thiab kev sib tw rau txhua qhov chaw. - Hiav Txwv Pearl Quartzite yog hom kev ua tau zoo Quartzite Pob Zeb Slab, nrog kev zoo nkauj tshwj xeeb thiab lub siab. Its name comes from its unique white color scheme and old-fashioned texture. The main color is white, the bottom color is black, or the gray line is formed, and each type of line has a unique design. Its color scheme is unique, and it exhibits a classic and contemporary aesthetic. The Sea pearl quartzite is used for the design of the interior decoration, and the areas such as the floor, wall, kitchen counter tops and base of the room are decorated with indoor decorations. We usually monitor various types of high-quality construction materials, suitable for various types of buildings, liquor stores, commercial places, etc. Comprehensive performance, increased space, high quality and luxurious feeling, comprehensive visual effect of performance. In addition, it has the hardness and durability of ancient white marble, and has outstanding abrasion and weather resistance, which makes it suitable for long-term use.
Chav ua mov Countertops Granite Khoom ntsuab Xus nyuj fusion Wow Fantasy Quartzite
Xiav Fantasy Quartzite, tseem hu ua xiav fusion wow quartzite, yog lub high-end khoom kim heev pob zeb. Nws cov xim yog tsuas yog tsaus xiav, nrog cov kab ntawv ntawm dawb, grey thiab lwm lub suab gon, muab cov neeg muaj kev zoo nkauj thiab muaj kuab heev. -